More About Me

Thanks for coming by. Sit down, grab some tea or coffee (because I can't serve you a cup), and stay a while.

Let me introduce myself. I am Anna Kintigh. Or I am also called "Babe" or "Momma." As a woman, I wear many hats. Most of my days are consumed watching over our home, doing laundry or dishes, and playing or taking care of my two kiddos. They are mostly sweet, sometimes crazy, and always lovingly all-consuming.

I manage my design and decorating while they sleep...whether that is at nap time or bed time. I will sometimes squeeze a post in during the day or when my husband is at home. I love consultation appointments and completing new projects for my home or someone else's. I have always loved beautiful homes with decorations that catch your eye and invite you to stay, but my blog and my consultations are a new venture.

My husband is a pastor who is working at an engineering firm. We resigned from our ministry position last October and are waiting, with our house on the market, to see what God will lead us to next.

My hope is that you will be inspired by my ideas or links to transform your home into a place you love. Real living in a sophisticated setting.